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User profiles


Hi, I’m a qualified adult literacy subject specialist and enjoy helping adults to improve their written and spoken English. If English is not your first language and you need help with job applications and/or interview preparation, or just want to write and converse better, I can help you.

I have a lot of experience helping young people and adults with learning difficulties prepare to go into College, get the most from College courses, cope better with home life and transition from College to work.

My first session with you consists of an in-depth assessment of your reading, writing, speaking and listening, after which I will tailor-make your sessions to suit your individual needs.

My 1:1 tuition costs £25.00 and groups of 2 cost £15.00 each and groups of 3 costs £10.00 per person, per hour. For larger groups, please contact me for prices.

Skills and tasks offered

Academic Tuition

Skills and tasks wanted

I am not looking for any skills or tasks at the moment.


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