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Wanted and Offered Portuguese

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User(s) looking for or offering Portuguese:


I Teach people how to draw, french language, DIY, Photography. I run Life Drawing Classes and Network and invite people to draw or model as a job or swapping for classes. I also run classes for Offices and private groups (hen/stag) where i can experiment ideas/concepts. I used to belong to an international group called the Movement designed to make everyone more interacting with each others and North London Lets, which was a Barter system with giving and receiving skills/tasks with point system.
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Executive chef, expanding knowledge into wine and spirits, seeking to learn new languages and viticulture.
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I’m a passionate Linguist currently completing my masters in Applied Linguistics. I would like to swap my language skills in English and French for sewing lessons in particular but also general arts lessons or further language study. Really interested in Portuguese and Japanese.
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Isaac S Meirelles

I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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Travvelled a lot and intended to keep doing it. Living the live one day at a time.
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I’m a self taugh MUA, who loves everything beauty and makeup related. Over the years I’ve been developing my skills to the point where I feel really confident to share my knowledge to anybody who’s interested! In the past I organized some workshops about how to do your own makeup! For more information please feel free to ask! I’m Portuguese, so Portuguese is my first language, I’m willing to help anybody who wants to learn more about the culture and the idioma as well! Feel free to contact me anytime :)
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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