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User profiles


Hair and Human Hair Extensions Split Ends Trimming Service!!!
The only way to treat hair split ends is to trim them professionally. I use Split – Ender PRO trimmer (from Talavera) with its unique STS technology to trim the split ends of the hair safely, while preserving the length. Hair Split Ends Trimming Service costs from £20 (£20 is for hair with length up to 30 cm). I do haircuts for £20. I'm based in Clayhall – IG5 0XF. Nataliya – experienced Hair stylist with a UK license 07502260305.

Music Tutoring (In English and Russian)
I have Bachelor degree in Music from UEL (University of East London), so I can help your child in preparation to Practical piano exams Grades 1-3. This includes learning scales, broken chords, sight-reading, music theory, music analysis and practicing for aural tests. Also I offer tutoring in preparation to Music GCSE. £20 per hour. I'm based in Clayhall – IG5 0XF. Nataliya (07502260305)

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Hair And Beauty


Professional Services



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