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User profiles


I study Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London, and was granted a full scholarship due to my A level performance. I have been a tutor for 6 years with a great track record, helping students to reach their full potential, achieving A's or 8+'s. I offer lessons in chemistry, maths and physics from 11-18.

I am a passionate and experienced tutor, my teaching style adapts to the student. However, my main goal is to build confidence and enable the student to develop a way of learning that suits them and gives them the tools they need to learn successfully by themselves in the future.


University- Received the prestigious Chemical Engineering Class of ’63 Scholarship

A-Level - Maths (A*), Physics (A*), Chemistry (A*), Further Maths (A*)

GCSEs - 6A*s (including Maths, Chemistry and Physics) and 4As

Work Experience

Freelance Tutor (2013-Present)

Technology Intern, ExxonMobil (July-Sept 2017)

Lab Technician, Sun Chemical (2013-2014)

Skills and tasks offered

Academic Tuition

Skills and tasks wanted

I am not looking for any skills or tasks at the moment.


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