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Wanted Clothing Alterations

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User(s) looking for Clothing Alterations:


I am a curious and adventurous person who has worked in education for much of my life. I have many skills to share especially in business management marketing and communications. I am a good cook and Baker. I love to draw and paint and always have my camera with me. I love to garden and with all the lovely flowers I make arrangements for my family and friends. I enjoy sports swimming being my favourite and walking next. I do Pilates to stay supple. To summarise I would say I am a good all rounder.
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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I haven't written a biog yet :-/
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Hi, I am a textiles designer. Specialise in hand embroidery and digital print design. I'd like to ask if theres any creative pattern cutters, tailores, dress makers, videographers, stylists and all team creative. I'd kike to offer my hand embroidery and digital design skills, as well as administration jobs, computer use teaching. Please get in touch. [email protected] 07956878975
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People are in a process of development throughout their lives. Because, by nature, people are programmed to be educated and developed. So if you don't develop, you don't produce, you become robotized, and eventually you become someone as you wish. You're here, and now that you've read this, you don't want to be like everyone else. You want to improve yourself and create awareness. What I want to do is make the difficult issues easy and understandable. I am a helpful, cheerful, hardworking, understanding, social, tolerant, responsible, sincere, punctual, honest, reliable woman. I graduated from university. I am an engineer. I have a master's degree in energy and a PhD in hydrogeology. I have received numerous professional and personal development trainings. I teach private lessons and project trainings to teach Turkish. I have been trained and presented in many countries. Since I have project experience in every subject, I write and manage projects in every field and work as a project consultant. I am preparing social projects especially for refugees, women, children and disabled people. I have 25 years of work experience. I read stories to children and teach them geography, geology and mathematics, self-confidence. If you call me, you'll have something to learn from me about education.
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Hello I’m Asher 18 looking for some help to get somewhere in life n how to start is a problem if I could get help in anything I would appreciate it so much
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